If you are looking for (start here) local factories, operations, engineering museums and similar, there are more options than ever before. This website helps you to find one in your own local area, or if you're traveling or on vacation, in another area.
Our listings come from a variety of sources: state agencies, consumers writing in to recommend, and the factory, engineering museums etc's themselves. We update and add listings every day. We find new places to tour every week, so check back! Customers can recommend a new Factory tour, museum or other place to add here
Our sister website, https://www.RoadTrippingAndCamping.com/ has many other types of destinations and attractions to visit in every state and area. Plus there recommendations for camping equipment, road trip tips and specific information about what to visit and where to stay anywhere in the USA for a fun - and inexpensive - road trip.
How to find a local factory, engineering facility or museum etc
It's quite simple! Start by clicking the "Start here" button (at the top of every page or on the left menu). You then select your local area (country, state/province) and then region/county or local metropolitan area. Just scroll down the page that appears, to see factory, engineering museums etc listed by county.
Working factories with tours are listed The next section has demonstrations and tours of historical operations, like living settlements, re-enactments and museums.
After that is a section with state parks and historical places that are related to some form of manufacturing or production.
And sprinkled throughout are places that are just plain fun and interesting, as well as educational, like dinosaur digs, volcano tours (live and extinct), fossil digs, tours of homes of famous people, etc.
The search engine (see the button at the top of each page) can be helpful, too, although it sometimes takes Google a day or 2 to catch up!
Want to recommend a factory, engineering museum, etc to add?
We're always looking for more factory, engineering museums etc to add. Listings are free!
You can recommend a new Factory tour, museum or other fun place to add here!
How to find a local factory, engineering facility or museum etc
You click on the state (see Factories and other destinations) then just scroll down the page that appears, to see factories, engineering facilities, historic factories and engineering museums, anything related to how something is made or done! The search engine can be helpful, too.
Click on your state or country below to find factory, engineering museums etc your area!
(Other countries are further down this page)
[ Alabama ] [ Alaska ]
[ Arkansas ] [ Arizona ]
[ California ] [ Colorado ] [ Connecticut ]
[ Delaware ] [ Florida ] [ Georgia ]
[ Hawaii ] [ Idaho ] [ Illinois ]
[ Indiana ] [ Iowa ] [ Kansas ]
[ Kentucky ] [ Louisiana ] [ Maine ]
[ Maryland ] [ Massachusetts ]
[ Michigan ] [ Minnesota ] [ Mississippi ]
[ Missouri ] [Montana]
[Nebraska] [ Nevada ] [ New Hampshire ]
[ New Jersey ] [ New Mexico ] [ New York ]
[ North Carolina ] [ North Dakota ] [ Ohio ] [ Oklahoma ]
[ Oregon ] [ Pennsylvania ] [ Rhode Island ]
[ South Carolina ] [ South Dakota ]
[ Tennessee ] [ Texas ] [ Utah ]
[ Vermont ] [ Virginia ] [ Washington state ]
[ West Virginia ] [ Wisconsin ]
[ Wyoming ]
Outside the U.S.
Looking for tours in other countries?
[ Austria ] [ Germany ] [Italy ]
I'm working on adding more, day by day! I lived in Europe for 10 years and traveled the world, so I will be adding chocolate tours in Europe, volcano tours in Italy, wine cellars in France and much more. If you live outside the U.S., such as France, Italy (Italia), Germany (Deutschland), Nederlands, Japan, Sweden, etc., help me compile a list for your country - just write me!!
Related Information
See this page for many related websites of information you may find useful and interesting!
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