Find a factory to tour for fun and learning!

Search Fun Factory Tours

It's easy to search the for Factory Tours. The fastest way to find tours in your area is to just go to your state's page (see the list below) and scroll down the page or use Ctrl-F on that page to search for a specific name or word.  But if you want to search all pages for a particular farm just enter its names in the box below!

For example, if search terms pre-entered are correct, just click the search button on the right.

If they are  vague or incorrect, edit them:

  1. Include the name of the organization
  2. Include the state
  3. Include anything you're looking for, like fort or automobile
  4. DON'T use quotes, unless you are searching for an exact phrase, generally NOT a good idea...
  5. then click the search button!

Similarly, if you are searching for a tour at particular business, like Amazon, try entering that.  The search engine will search for any word(s) or phrase that appears on the web site. Obviously, then if you enter a common word like "samples", you will get meaningless results, since many plants in almost every state and country offer samples. Important tip: if you are looking for a factory that ends in 's or s; try both: for example, for "Smith's Farm" in Ohio, try Smith's Bicycle Factory Ohio; if that doesn't find it, try Smiths Bicycle Factory Ohio.

(Other countries are further down this page)
Alabama ] [ Alaska ] [ Arkansas ] [ Arizona ] [ California ] [ Colorado ] [ Connecticut ] [ Delaware ] [ Florida ] [ Georgia ] [ Hawaii ] [ Idaho ] [ Illinois ] [ Indiana ] [ Iowa ] [ Kansas ] [ Kentucky ] [ Louisiana ] [ Maine ] [ Maryland ] [ Massachusetts ] [ Michigan ] [ Minnesota ] [ Mississippi ] [ Missouri ] [Montana] [Nebraska] [ Nevada ] [ New Hampshire ] [ New Jersey ] [ New Mexico ] [ New York ] [ North Carolina ] [ North Dakota ] [ Ohio ] [ Oklahoma ] [ Oregon ] [ Pennsylvania ] [ Rhode Island ] [ South Carolina ] [ South Dakota ] [ Tennessee ] [ Texas ] [ Utah ] [ Vermont ] [ Virginia ] [ Washington state ] [ West Virginia ] [ Wisconsin ]  [ Wyoming ]

 Outside the U.S.

Looking for pick your own farms in other countries? Living in another country, such as France, Italy (Italia), Germany (Deutschland), Nederlands, or Sweden?  Help me compile a list for your country -  just write me!

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